The Killer
Whale’s Latin name is Orcinus Orca and it is the biggest type of dolphin.
One type of killer
whales is found in the waters of the north-east Atlantic Ocean and Great Britain.
They live in ice-free waters. Type-a Killer Whale live offshore in ice-free
waters. Other killer whales live near Antarctica. Pacific Killer Whales are
usually sighted offshore near California and Mexico.
Whales eat many species of bony fish, sharks, and rays, and 50 different
species of marine mammals. Killer Whales have also been seen eating many other
types of animals including leatherback sea turtles dugongs, moose, penguins and
other seabirds.
Adult male killer
whales are larger overall than the females. They look like a Dalmatian because they have black and
white patterns.
Killer Whales breathe though their blow hole. Killer Whales
usually hunt at night when the sharks hunt too.
To make the world a better place for the Killer Whales people
should not kill them.
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